Welcome to Wellness for Leaders!

Each week, I post a video highlighting research-based wellness practices that can enhance your leadership abilities.

My first video is about Flow.

Flow comes from the research of the late psychologist Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi as described his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Csikszentmihalyi researched the conditions under which people experienced Flow and defined it as doing something that:

  • you are good at and that gives you joy
  • is goal-driven so you know what you want to achieve
  • provides you with feedback on how you are doing so that you are challenged to increase your level of performance
  • allows you to be engrossed in what you are doing so that time goes by without noticing it

As such, Flow is a growth experience that finds the “sweet spot” where your skill level meets the challenge at hand. Moreover, Flow is closely connected to Happiness. Csikszentmihalyi elaborates on the connection between Flow and Happiness in his TED Talk entitled Flow: The Secret to Happiness.

To tap into your Flow experience and experience the many benefits of Flow, watch the video!